Adam Young
Austin-based painter, Adam Young explores themes of nature, spirituality, and storytelling in uniquely stylized works that combine text elements, symbolism, and an intimate cast of recurring characters. Informed by a lifetime spent exploring and building community around nature and the outdoors, the idea of interconnectedness runs through Adam’s body of work, touching on the relationships we human beings form with one another, and with the larger world we inhabit. When it comes to the stories he tells through his paintings, he leaves their interpretation up to the viewer, allowing for a multitude of connection points where they can pick up a narrative thread and draw their own conclusions.
Selected Works
Dreams of Paradise Valley
Acrylic on douglas fir panel
32.5" x 31.25"
Water from the Sun Spring
Acrylic on douglas fir panel
30.5" x 32.5"
Dusk Ritual
Acrylic on douglas fir panel
30.5" x 32.5"